January is coming and it’s time to lose weight, get fit and healthy for 2018!

Above is Cheryl. She is one of our clients who had the goal to lose weight, get fit and in shape for the new year around this time of year, two years ago. She is one of our many success stories and continues to use our personal training service all year round to maintain her trim new figure and healthy lifestyle. However, as illustrated by the before image, when she first contacted us, she knew very little about how she should go about losing weight and toning up. The journey is often the most fun part for the client and for our team of personal trainers! So, if you’re in Loughton or nearby in Buckhurst Hill, Chigwell, Woodford or Epping and  feeling apprehensive about starting your exercise program for the new year, take inspiration from Cheryl and contact us to start your plan of action!

Here’s my top 3 tips to get started with losing weight and toning up in the New Year:

Keep it simple!

A really important part of starting a new exercise program is designing it to fit into your lifestyle. By starting with a complex plan that requires big time commitments that can end up sabotaging your progress. Most of us have busy lives and don’t have hours on end to exercise. The good news is that you can start really simple with something like a 15 minute HIIT routine 3 times per week. This is very effective for fat burning and something we at Loughton Personal Training often set our personal training clients as part of their program.

Eat well (most of the time)

As with the above point, your diet doesn’t need to be flawless and complex. When we set our clients food plans, we initially look to assess their current eating patterns and then aim to eradicate the common culprits for fat storage in their diet. We then set them a regular, more healthy food plan but one that often includes the odd ‘cheat meal’. This way clients can have the odd break from some repetitive meals and enjoy regular treats mixed in to a mainly healthy diet plan. 

Find a personal trainer you can get on well with

Assuming your trainer knows their stuff (this is a must for the Loughton Personal Training team) it is very important to find a trainer you can get on with long term. This person is not only there to provide the right exercises for you but to guide and support you. Although personal training sessions should challenge you, you should also look forward to seeing your trainer and feel motivated by them.

If you’re looking to get off to a fit and healthy start to 2018 and need a helping hand to get going, contact our expert team and claim you 2 for 1 intro personal training offer – for a limited time only – 07940 796369 or email nick@loughtonpersonaltraining.co.uk with any enquiries